Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Teen Idol🀷🏽‍♀️πŸ˜πŸ’«

His book was about a girl who liked this boy name chase. She really never knew if he liked her back. So she just kept showing him signs that she liked him and hoped he'll understand. During the middle of the book chelsey she started talking to him during 6th period math.She Also Thiught That if they started to talk maybe they would end up together.The Last Thing was that Chase was starting to send her signs also,and they both knew they liked each other but didn't say nothing until....

I Didn't Like This Book because it didn't get my attention like I thiught it would.This Book Isn't Right For Me Because It's A Book That Keeps You Guessing what the next part would be.Another reason why I didn't like this book is because the book isn't the right age appropriate book for students going to 9th grade.My Final Reason Ehynai Didn't Like this book is because it wasn't distinguished enough for me,it really was all over th place.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Positive Change✌️πŸ˜€

What is positive change?: Positive change is when you're surrounded by negativity and wants to be in a positive environment. How can you expect to have a positive if you are not in an positive stat of mind and area? You Can't. It's hard because there may be a lot of people around you with a negativity vibe.It would always be something to argue over.I Believe that being somewhere where there is Positivity,may keep you in a happy mood.

My opinion of this is that nowadays people are starting to have negative vibes and gets mad when people don't want to talk to them because of it.Having an attitude I noticed never get you anywhere because people don't want all of that by them.Being a person with a lot of stress and negative things going on around them 24/7 Can be somewhat hard for you to understand what they may be going through.You have to Interpret what they feel.